Tue, Apr 20, 2021, 6:51 AM

On April 4, 2021, the International Educational Corporation (KazGASA), Almaty, held the next annual plenary meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association (EMU) in the field of personnel training “Architecture and Construction” of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting was held online via Zoom video conferencing.

Today, the UMO includes 41 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, training in the specialty/educational programs “Design” is carried out in 30 universities.

The opening plenary session was attended by 83 participants, and the “Architecture and Design” section was attended by 26 UMO members from universities.

From Astana International University, the representative of the UMO in the specialty “Design” at this meeting was appointed - candidate of architecture, associate professor Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kiseleva.

The agenda of the meeting included the following issues:

- Problems and prospects for the development of online classes in creative and special disciplines.

- Changes in regulatory legal acts (DOT, ICT rules, establishment of the maximum teaching load for teaching staff and the minimum wage).

- Dual training in the areas of training “Architecture and Construction” and the section “Design”.

Members of the UMO at the section also discussed strategic issues in the development of the Design specialty - these are:

- the possibility of increasing the number of educational grants at bachelor’s and master’s levels in the specialty “Design”;

- opening of a dissertation council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the field of preparation “Design” on the basis of the IOC;

- the concept of conducting a qualifying online exam in the field of training “Architecture and Construction” and the section “Design”;

- development of a unified format for the entrance exam in these areas.

The work of the section took place in a creative, positive atmosphere, with the exchange of new professional skills and work experience in an on-line format.