Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

Code and group of the educational program:

В003 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

Code and name of the educational program:

6В01301 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

Education period: 4, 3 (На базе ТИПО)

Cost of education: 600000

Degree awarded: Bachelor of education in the educational program «6В01301 - Pedagogy and methods of primary education»

Prepare primary school teachers who have civil and social responsibility, are competent in professional activities based on a personal-oriented and activity-oriented approach, and possess innovative pedagogical technologies.

SMART technologies in education

Distance learning technologies

Education: a global vision


Preparing children for school in a multilingual environment

Working with gifted children

Continuity of preschool and school education

Project activity of primary school students

Emotional intelligence


Management in education

Project management

Solving Olympiad problems

Methods of preparing children for school

A graduate can carry out professional activities in the following areas:

- primary school teacher;

- head teacher in elementary school;

 - methodist at the Department of Education and the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teachers;

- head and teacher of the educational center.

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