
Code and group of the educational program:

B009 Mathematics teacher training

Code and name of the educational program:

6B01506 Mathematics

Education period: 4

Cost of education: 600000

Degree awarded: Вachelor of education in the educational program «6B01501 - Mathematics»

Training of a highly qualified mathematics teacher with high social responsibility, possessing professional competencies in mathematics, pedagogy, psychology and information and communication technologies, able to work in the conditions of the updated content of modern secondary education, as well as training competitive graduates in accordance with the demands of the labor market.

SMART technologies in education

Distance learning technologies 

Education: a global vision


Differential geometry and topology

Methods of solving geometric problems

Emotional intelligence


Management in education

Project management

Methods of formation of mathematical literacy

Methods of preparing students for intellectual mathematical activity of increased difficulty

Professional guidelines of the teacher

External assessment of students' academic achievements in mathematics (PISA, SAT, SAT, UNI)

Еducational (pedagogical): work as a teacher of мathematics in various educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.); research, implementation of scientific research in relevant disciplines in various organizations; production and management activities in state structures of various levels: departments of education, akimat.

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