
The Higher School of Natural Sciences held career guidance meetings in the west of the country
Wed, Feb 21, 2024, 4:30 AM

On February 15, 2024, Acting Professor of Higher school of natural sciences Nurushev M.Zh. conducted career guidance work in the graduating classes of School-Gymnasium №7 and School-Lyceum Daryn №13 in the city of Zhanaozen, as well as in the largest Secondary School №3 in the city of Aktau. It is precisely during this period that students are making choices regarding their future professions, which is why, at the initiative of the professor, work was carried out to assist them in understanding their own interests, abilities, and opportunities on the path to choosing a profession.

During the meetings, educational programs of the AIU, forms of education, and booklets introducing information about the university were presented. Students received information about academic mobility, opportunities to participate in international conferences, competitions, benefits, scholarships, and a flexible tuition payment system.

Special attention was given to individual consultations, where each student had the opportunity to discuss their questions and problems with experienced specialists, receive recommendations on choosing an educational path and a professional career.

The conducted career guidance work inspired students and gave them confidence that the future is full of opportunities. This event became an important step on their path to self-discovery and successful career choices.

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the University and the youth wing of the Zhastar Rukhy party.
Wed, Feb 14, 2024, 4:56 AM

We are pleased to announce the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the University and the youth wing of the Zhastar Rukhy party. This is an important event that opens up new prospects for the development of education and active participation of young people in political life. 

Our University always strives to cooperate with various organizations and communities in order to create a favorable environment for the learning and development of our students. The signing of a memorandum with the youth wing of the Zhastar Rukhy party is an important step in this direction. 

We believe that the cooperation between the University and the youth wing of Zhastar Rukhy will bring mutual benefit and create many opportunities for our students. We will work together to organize various events, seminars, trainings and forums to support the active participation of young people in political and public life.

We also strive to provide students with access to information about the political process, educational programs, and opportunities for professional growth. Our goal is to help young people develop leadership, critical thinking and civic responsibility skills. 

We invite students and young activists to join us on this exciting journey. Together we will be able to create a strong and active student community capable of making a significant contribution to the development of our country.

Wed, Feb 7, 2024, 8:30 AM

On February 7, the Higher School of Social Sciences and Humanities organized a special guest lecture at Astana International University by a public figure, activist, ethnographer, historian, head of the public association "Kara Shanyrak" Shaken Turar Sattarkyzy on the topic "National values - national treasury".

The meeting discussed topical issues of modern society, the education of young people and the importance of reviving the national traditions and customs of the Kazakh people that have existed for centuries.

The activities of the Public Association "Kara Shanyrak" have been of a spiritual and educational nature for several years, multiplying national values. Among the implemented author's projects for young families, national and ethnographic contests “Kazagymnyn kadigi-ai”, the project “Shashbaulym” among students, creative contests among schoolchildren “Alash amanaty-urpak mura”, “El buginshil, meniki yerten ush”, “Ulagatty urpak”, “Saryzhailau”, “Kazak alemi" were held”, “Ana alakany", “Onegeli ata-ana-oreli urpak”, “Balandy kazaksha okyt”, “Yertegi -el yerteni”, visits kindergartens and schools within the framework of these projects, works with communities of young parents, mothers, children, youth. Holds meetings with people who have something to say. The organization works not only in the capital, but also in other cities and regions. In addition, the newspaper "Omby Kazaktary" has a heading "Kara Shanyrak", where information is shared and contact with neighbors is established.

The interests of public associations are the interests of the state and the nation, unity is peace.

To work tirelessly towards the greatness of our generation.